By practicing preventive dental care, your child’s smile is strengthened and protected.
Preventive dental care is important throughout a patient’s entire life, but it is extremely important that they start at a young age.
Preventive dental care is important throughout a patient’s entire life, but it is extremely important that they start at a young age. By practicing good oral hygiene from the very beginning and scheduling regular checkups with the dentist, your child can help keep their teeth healthy for many years to come. Tooth decay is one of the most prevalent chronic diseases in children. Thankfully, cavities in children can be easily prevented by following these steps!
Here are some helpful tips:
Brush twice each day – The toothbrush should be soft-bristled and appropriate for a child’s age. American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD)recommends using no more than a smear or rice-size amount of fluoridated toothpaste for children less than three years of age and using no more than a pea-size amount of fluoridated toothpaste is appropriate for children aged three to six.
Start flossing – Flossing once a day is vital to prevent plaque buildup in between the teeth. Flossing a child’s teeth can be difficult but the process should begin when two adjacent teeth emerge. D Sara will happily demonstrate good flossing techniques.
Provide a balanced diet – A big reason why tooth decay happens is because of the foods/snacks children eat and the ingredients in those foods/snacks. When we eat sugary foods, within 20 minutes the production of acid begins and starts to dissolve tooth enamel.Ensure that your child is eating a balanced diet and work to reduce sugary and starchy snacks.
American Academy of Pediatrics(AAP)recommends that juice should not be introduced to infants before one year of age; intake of juice should be limited to four ounces a day for children ages 1-3 years of age; 4-6 ounces for children 4-6 years of age; eight ounces for children 7-18 years of age; toddlers should not be given juice in containers that foster easy consumption; and toddlers should not be given juice at bedtime.
Visit the dentist – Everyone knows that prevention is key, and that statement is no stranger when it comes to visiting the dentist! If your child has teeth, that means they are able to get cavities no matter how young they are. Taking them to the dentist early can familiarize your child with the dentist and give you the opportunity to ask questions about their oral health. As your child gets older, it is important to continue to schedule regular appointments to prevent any future dental issues. You should be taking your child to the dentist around every six months for regular cleanings and checkups.
Dental Sealants – Dental sealants are another great method of avoiding cavities. The chewing surfaces of our teeth are filled with grooves and pits, where bacteria can get stuck in. Children are often not able to reach into these grooves with their toothbrushes, making this method helpful for them. Sealants ultimately prevent cavities in the long run because brushing teeth becomes much easier.
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